Rubber Chicken Deviation

Humor and Hardware

Rubber Chicken Deviation

It is difficult at best to explain the reasoning and humor behind a rubber chicken; you may have to see it yourself to understand, and it may be a limited understanding at best even then.

"Ed," the Rubber Chicken, first made its appearance on this site. It has since relocated to the offices of my employer and at time of writing is hidden somewhere in the building, outside of my control. It has made appearances on various sections of (eg. Summer.02,) although it may be right under your fingertips (hint hint, nudge nudge) you may not notice it without some clicking around.

160-pixel LED Hardware project

Also mentioned here is the 160-pixel hardware project, which was an idea I had some help from one of my roommates in building. The hardware itself used an old Discovery credit card reader, some 5x8 LED arrays and a custom-built PCB.

This project involved the hardware which complemented the existing software side of things. Since the "Random Weirdness" design in 2000, people had been submitting these "images" of 32x5 pixels (width/height), for a total count of 160 - hence the name. The hardware was being built to display these in the "real world."

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